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There’s A Way To Use LinkedIn Wisely

Look, I get it, it might not be the hippest place on Earth. It’s like the office of the internet. The content is all water cooler talk and everyone is just congratulating each other on work anniversaries. What a place if you really consider it, HOWEVER, what you might not be thinking is what a perfect place it is to get your product in front of valuable audiences. Think about it? Who’s on LinkedIn? People who are either working or looking for work, that sounds like a person who might have money to spend on whatever you are selling to me.

So how can you get involved in this game? 

Here’s just a few tips to get friendly with the LinkedIn algorithm:

  1. Increase engagement : The best way to achieve this is by using relevant keywords, including branded hashtags, tagging relevant companies in your content. Start making yourself a connector of people and things. Even though LinkedIn is a professional network, don’t forget to have a funny, personal tone when posting content, they’re still people after all, and the same antics appeal on all platforms. Don’t be too serious, after all, you want to increase engagement for your posts.
  2. Begin a conversation by asking a question: Questions yearn for answers and LinkedIn likes to answer questions, just like work! Don't forget to return the dialogue when other people ask questions as well. You don’t want to be the person at the office that always talks about themselves and never supports others. After all, by engaging with questions and answering others, you’ll get to know your audience even better.
  3. Take a look at LinkedIn Analytics: What is the right time for you to post? Which posts have gotten the most clicks and engagement? Like most platforms, LinkedIn has its own host of analytics features that you should consult to better understand how people engage with your content on LinkedIn.
  4. Build a strong network for your brand:  Encourage employees to indicate they work at your company, after all, real people with personalities make up who you are as a brand, not just what people see as the end product in your advertising, LinkedIn is the one network that truly appreciates that. Take part in groups form your niche or create one of your own. Follow and attract followers. Join conversations and be active on the network, give and receive recommendations.
  5. Go niche vs broad: Even LinkedIn best practices tells you to focus on the place where you can call yourself an expert. You are in a professional environment full of experts, and like minds will find themselves naturally, so find yourself in places where you can truly communicate and people will understand. Those might just be your best customers or even collaboration partners down the road.

Don’t sleep on LinkedIn! That’s my suggestion. It might not be the hip place with all the young kids and their dance videos, but it’s still a valuable place to grow your business, if you play the game right!


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