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Control Your Budget And Block Unwanted Apps From Displaying Your Google Display Ads

Google Display ads are an incredible way to get your product front and center in a visual way with exactly the customers that are looking for it. Rather than just reading reviews or product descriptions, these products appear right in front of their eyes, and since humans are so visual, it is a very persuasive form of marketing. Although we are told not to judge a book by it’s cover, we do it all the time, and we make very important decisions based solely on appearance.

HOWEVER… it is important to limit which apps these visual ads are actually showing up on because not all of Google’s App environment is best for every product, and showing these ads in certain apps might be useful and others might be detrimental to your spend and your budget. 

Lucky for you, if you have Google Ads Editor installed, there is an easy way to limit the delivery for these apps. You can actually control exactly which ones end up showing the ads and which ones don’t so that you are always in control of where your ad spend is going.

Here’s how you can easily solve this problem from the very beginning of your ad campaign setup.

1. Go to ads editor, and open the display campaign you want to exclude apps from: 

Google Ads Editor with campaign name, status, networks, and budget info.

2. Go to “Keywords and targeting”

The image shows a Google Ads interface under the Manage section.

3. Go to “mobile apps categories negative” and select the level for which you want to add mobile apps categories.

Negative mobile app categories with campaign or ad group-level options.

4. Once you have completed these steps, the final step requires you to pick the stores you want apps to be excluded from, or simply pick all of them if you want total control.

Select app category: Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Apps.

And that’s it! 

You’ve now limited which apps actually show the Google Display Ads you’ve worked so hard to set up. This is a very important part of campaign management because not only are keeping your ad spend safe and your budget well monitored by eliminating unwanted ad placement, but you are able to see more clearly what works and what doesn’t. 

As with anything else, developing a standard baseline is always a good idea, before you start to explore and widen your scope.

Happy marketing and hopefully this tip gives you a bit more control and power to grow your business, or help your client achieve the very best results!


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