What is FBCLID?
FBCLID stands for Facebook Click Identifier, which is a new tracking parameter that appears on Google Analytics reports and is a function that automatically gets added to outbound links shared on the Facebook platform.
Let's say you have a website: mysite.com.
You want to share your link on Facebook.
You go to Facebook, and you add a new post with mysite.com.
What happens next? If a person clicks on the link on Facebook, they are not led to: https://mysite.com, but, instead, they are led to: https://mysite.com?fbclid=IwAR1kgSdMd-NVpp-XZKJeEu0rrUW0yu-rzSAf4WeKDEyffxLSX1Jy7ln0xe8
That ending part of the URL doesn't do anything wrong, it's just used to help identify traffic from Facebook.
On the other hand, in Google Analytics:
These two URLs are marked as different from the other.
So, instead of having two hits for the Homepage (https://mysite.com), you'll only get one hit for:
https://mysite.com, and another hit for: https://mysite.com?fbclid=IwAR1kgSdMd-NVpp-XZKJeEu0rrUW0yu-rzSAf4WeKDEyffxLSX1Jy7ln0xe8
Just for Google Analytics, it might be a good idea to ignore that FBCLID part so that Google Analytics will understand that the two URLs are, in fact, one and the same.
How to ignore FBCLID from Google Analytics?
It would be best to first visit https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ and log in with the account for which Google Analytics is set up.
Select your project, then go to View Settings:

Simply add FBCLID to "Exclude URL Query Parameters", like in the image below: